Hello World. Meet Artish.

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This week we celebrated the launch of our studio and things got a little messy in the workshop! We're pretty excited around here because we've been working on Artish for over 9 months.

It began with just one idea and one product - the Stones kits - and we honestly could have launched that 5 months ago. But as we went through the design, prototyping and testing of Stones, we realized that our ultimate goal was to give people the freedom to configure any piece of art or furniture in their own unique way - to let them be the artist. And we wanted to create lots more products like the Stones - a whole collection in fact!

And once we made that our mission, there was no stopping us. We designed the Sticks and then the Wall Art Kits and the Side tables, all with the desire for change and expression as an integral element of each piece.

We're already working on some more designs to add to our collection, because designing and creating is addictive. Seeing 9 months of fun, hard work come to life is a reason for champagne around here. So here's to many more messy creative workshop days in our future!